Channel: Splice
Category: Music
Tags: 808how to make chordship hop productionfree type beatstudio sessionproducers in the studiofl studiomusicsoundship hopfl gangbeatlofi hiphoptrapbeat producermusic productionlofi beatsrapsplicemusic producersample packsamplinghow to make jazztype beatbeatschill beatslofi musicableton livesamplesdrum kithow to make jazz chordslofitrap beatsinstrumentalsplice astraproducersplice soundsastra
Description: Learn more music theory on Splice Skills: Get Astra: In this short, we show you how to use the ii V I (2 5 1) chord progression which instantly sounds jazzy. This chord progression is perfect for any lo-fi hiphop jazz type beats. #chords #jazzchords #musictheory #shorts #splice #splicesounds #astra #lofi #lofihiphop How To Make Jazz Chords in 1 Minute (FL Studio/Ableton/etc) | Splice